Sea Strokes

Art for me is therapy. When I started this collection it was out of pure frustration and a demanding release of emotions from my soul. Each piece contains layers and layers of paint, some canvas fresh, some with paintings that I didn’t want around anymore. I take all the left over paint from whatever painting I am working on and through it onto the canvas. No two paintings will ever be the same since each time I add paint and color it is different based on what other paintings I am working on. Then the marine life is added on top. I have always loved the ocean and all the living creatures that call it home, but also know how endangered they all are based on the state or our current oceans. By creating the background in an abstract form and then the marine life in bright neon on top it brings the attention to the animal, who is in trouble and needs our help. We need to stop and think more about the impact that we have on our plant and how each of our choices we make throughout the day can change the world around us. My intention is to create a body or work that brings attention to the animals of the sea in hopes that people will start to see how we are all connected.

(This collection isn’t complete yet, there will be more paintings added)


Anchors and Ink Fish