We Learn Best When We Fail

We learn best when we fail. I really hate that, but damnit its so true. When we don’t succeed at something we are given the opportunity to learn from what we didn’t do right. I have been learning a lot so far this year. 2021 has been a bit of a ripping apart to put back together year. But that is to be expected since I have put myself and my art out there WAY more than I ever have before! And with each time (for the most part) I have gotten some constructive criticism. No matter how constructive it is, it still hurts. A lot. But once I dry my tears and shake the dirt off, I can see what they were saying and now take into concideration what “they” said and I can move forward from there. And by finding out where my weak spots are allows me to get stronger and better as an artist! Its a hard road creating and baring your soul, but its honestly the only way I know how to be me. For far too long I denied myself the ability to honestly create and pour into my work. People can read into that. I believe that you connect with art so much more when you can feel the emotions and turmoil or joy that the artist was feeling when they created it! It gives me chills when I come across work like that and I love it when people connect with my work like that! Ah, the joys of creating and seeing the world differently! The joys of being an artist and living on rejection letters! Its all part of the journey, at the end of the day I always remind myself that I paint for me and my heart <3 Nothing else matters. Art allows my Soul to breathe :)



The Sweet Taste of Rejection


A Pile of Letters